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英文個性簽名積極 簡短超好聽積極的英文個性簽名

英文個性簽名積極 簡短超好聽積極的英文個性簽名

1、踮起腳尖,我們離幸福只有一步。Tiptoe,we only one step away from happiness.

2、物是人非,有些夢破碎的太完美。So,some dreams are broken too perfect.

3、不是風動,不是幡動,是仁者心動。Not the wind,not streamers move,is benevolent heart.

4、重拾起時,生命溫暖如昔。Take life,warm as ever.

5、含淚播種的人一定能含笑收穫。Sow in tears,harvest.

6、深到骨子裏的愛,那是離不開。Deep into the bones of love,that is cannot do without.

7、寧願被誤會,也不想勉強去解釋。Would rather be misunderstood,do not want to reluctantly explain.

8、天暗下來,你就是光。The sky is dark,you are light.

9、天空轉晴了又多雲,幸福過後只剩孤寂。The sky cleared and cloudy,after happiness only loneliness.

10、喜歡那些唯美的歌曲,觸動我心痛的旋律。Like those beautiful songs,touches my heart pain melody.

11、或許,與世隔絕是我維護自己的最好方式。Perhaps,isolation is the best way for me to defend myself.

12、人生是一張單程車票,沒有後退,沒有返回!Life is a one-way ticket,no retreat,no return!

13、沒有人會一輩子疼愛你。要好好照顧好自己。No one will love you a good care of yourself.

14、在水與月的交融裏,孕育着世界最美的樂章。In the water and the moon,the worlds most beautiful music.

15、陽光溫熱,歲月靜好,你還不來,我怎敢老去。The sun warm,quiet years,you still dont come,how can I get old.

16、凝眸的淚眼,只是午夜夢迴時鏡中的一個孤影。All the tears,just a lonely midnight mirror.

標籤:簽名 簡短 好聽